Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, December 22, 2023
Sweet and Gentle Is My Yoke!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 21, 2023

Beloved daughter, write to My beloved People.
These are decisive hours for your conversion, O men! You have now reached the end of the road: this Earth will soon change its appearance. The hour of great tribulation enters; the fury of nature will come upon the whole Earth; man will be in short supply of every good of sustenance. My wrath will then come suddenly... When man will think he has now achieved success, behold I, " GOD ", will manifest Myself with My Power. The plans of the Ancient Serpent will collapse: I will turn everything upside down, I will tear My Children from their tentacles.
Beloved Ones,
these are words of truth, My justice will be great. All those who have mortified My People will perish, never again will they have the chance to hurt My Children.
Oh My People, beloved of My Sacred Heart,
what condemnation have you sought! Thou hast chosen the path of endless sorrow: thou shalt no longer see the sun rise ... nor the moon set; thou shalt cry out in weeping and gnashing of teeth..but. I will not hear your lament: you will be abandoned to your choice. Who is like God? No one is like God!!!
Let My Song reach you, O ungrateful people: Open your heart to Me, seal yourself to My Love! I am He who created you with so much Love! Return to Me...O man...return to your Creator that in you may come life in Me.
In My Passion I had the grace to see My triumph,
I saw man reborn as God created him, I saw his resurrection in Me.
I live constantly in expectation of you, O man,
I long for your return to Me: convert My child, convert, forsake sin, come to the Light! Leave the darkness:
Shortly... all will be clear to you!
on Earth Hell will break out, sorrow will exceed your strength. Prepare yourself O man, prepare yourself!
Behold the events are upon you! The deluge of fire will happen that will sweep away everything impure. I want to purify Humanity and the whole Earth, ... The hour has come! Douse your heads with ashes. Pray! Fast!
Repent!!! Convert!!! Repent!!!
Source: ➥